Prayer Needed For My Son and My Family

Yesterday my son was diagnosed as having a tumorous mass that is cancerous. He is only twenty-two years of age. Yesterday my wife and I cried for him. His grandparents, all of our friends and family, and a number of my friends in the blogosphere, are praying for him. I am asking you to, my dear friends and siblings in Christ, to pray for my son as well. Pray for my family. Not only ask the Lord for healing, but for us to recognize his will. Thank you, and God Bless.
(Heb 12:1-3 NKJV) Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, {2} looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. {3} For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.
Your son, and entire family, will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that you don't become "weary and discouraged." I hope that you find strength in Christ, and in family and friends. I'll be praying for your son's strength in the upcoming fight.
Will be praying for you my friend..Take heart and God bless!
I have a 22 year old son too. I don't know how I would handle news such as this concerning him. I can only hope that God would guide me through it. My thoughts and prayers are with your son and all of you.
I do not know what God Almighty has in store for you, your son, and your family, but I do know that he will give you the grace and strength to face what ever it is. As you noted, I am the living proof of good docs and the devine healer. I've been cancer free now for 15 months and counting. I don't know what God Almighty has in store for me either, but these last 15 months have been in praise to Him! God Bless my friend!
Dear Mr. Gibbs: I pray that God gives your son, as well as your family, the strength for the fight ahead.
Your family is not alone, and we all will help you through this difficult journey with our prayers and by letting you know that we are here.
thank you, my dear family in Christ. The power of prayer is awesome, and I have no words to express the appreciation I feel for the response that I have received in comments, e-mails, and instant messages regarding this situation. God Bless you all.
Memorial Day will make it three years since I lost my grandfather to cancer, so I've been through watching what it does to a loved one. You will all be in my thoughts... for your son to have the strength to fight it, and for the rest of you to have the strength to handle not being able to fight it for him.
You, your family and especially your son will be in our thoughts and prayers, DVG!
Added to our prayer list. Chin Up! Lead with your heart!
You are also added to mine and I will add it on at my Bible Study class. These prayer warriors have wonderful answers to prayer. Please just know that God did not allow this into your life and not know the end result. All is in His plan and His purpose for furtherance of the Kingdom.
While it is an old cliche to say you can't have a testimony without a test, it is also true.
I will pray for healing, healing, healing, and just begin to offer up that sacrifice of Thanksgiving and like everything spiritual that doesn't make sense, God will lift the spirit of heaviness.
I'm so sick about this, but I believe in your family and the God you serve and He will not only make it right, He has already perfected it.
Peace. Be Still and Know That He is God and He will make the crooked paths straight.
Much, much love and high regard for sharing your suffering with someone who cares!
as long as you find strength in "not my will, but yours Lord, be done..." you will find comfort.
G-d is always good; there is no evil in Him. what the enemy means for evil, the Lord will turn around.
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