The End Is Near, Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth
Been a while since I wrote on this blog. My political blog, Political Pistachio, gets the majority of my attention. God is mentioned on that blog often, but it is here that my inspiration is supposed to flow.
I just watched 2012 (movie) with my wife, I am reading book one of the Left Behind series, and on my radio show we have been doing a lot of topics regarding end times prophecy. On the movie front, in the movies regarding the end of civilization like 2012, they always give you one shot of the crazy guy on the corner holding up a sign that reads: "Repent, The End Is Near."
Except, as we enter this current phase of the age of humanity, the crazy guy with the sign does not seem so crazy anymore.
I am not suggesting that something catastrophic as depicted in the film 2012 is on its way anytime soon. What is nearly upon us is something more amazing, and more bone chilling.
The Bible uses the phrase "wailing and gnashing of teeth" seven times in the New Testament. In three of those passages, Matthew 13:42, 50; Luke 13:28, the understanding is that the phrase relates to the lost in the eternal separation from God (Lake of Fire), or at least their condition of regret. The other four relate to another location, of which there has been great debate.
Matthew 8:12; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30 references the same phrase, of which some would argue is in relation to the wailing and gnashing of teeth of those in God's Kingdom, feeling regret for inaction or sinful actions during their Earthly lives. Others might argue that the phrase refers to those still living on Earth when the End-Times take place. Throughout the birth pains there will be a number of events that will be so horrific that they will cause "wailing, and a gnashing of teeth."
I believe it is possible for all views to be correct. The unsaved in Hades will wail and gnash their teeth because of the anger, rage, pain and anguish. The saved in Heaven will momentarily wail and gnash their teeth because of the deep remorse and regret and sorrow of not sharing God's message with more people. Those on Earth as the End-Times take place will wail and gnash their teeth because of the great horror they are experiencing.
By the grace of my Lord, I am determined to share the Gospel as much as possible. I am not one that desires to wail and gnash his teeth.
In other words, if you think it's rough now as we enter the period of birth pains, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
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