
"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you."— John 15:7
When praying, folks tend to forget that God is not just there to do what we want Him to do. Some actually believe that our little prayers are too small for Him, and that we are pestering Him, or taking Him away from things that are great. Some will even tell you that with enough faith prayer is secondary, and we can just speak something into existence if our faith is strong enough.
Fact is, prayer is not for getting God to do things our way. Prayer is for moving us in God's way. The key to answered prayer is lining ourselves up with the will of God and praying for what God wants us to have.
By maintaining our relationship with Jesus his work shall be working through our lives, and we will automatically gravitate toward desiring what is in His will for us. Rather than praying for self-indulgent things, we will pray for the things God wants us to have. Prayer is not about getting what we want. It is about getting our will into alignment with the will of God.
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